Community Guidelines

Last updated: [16th Jan, 2024]

Welcome to – a space built on community, collaboration, and shared interests. To ensure a positive and respectful experience for all our users, we have established these Community Guidelines. By participating in our community, you agree to abide by these guidelines and contribute to fostering a supportive environment on

1- Respect Each Other is a diverse community that values every individual’s perspective. Treat others with kindness and respect, even if you disagree. Harassment, hate speech, or any form of discrimination will not be tolerated.

2- Keep it Constructive

Engage in meaningful conversations. Share your insights, feedback, and opinions in a constructive manner. Critique ideas, not individuals. We encourage healthy debates that contribute to the growth of our community.

3- Be Authentic

Share your experiences, knowledge, and creativity authentically. Be honest and transparent in your interactions. Authenticity builds trust and strengthens our community.

4- No Spam or Self-Promotion

Avoid excessive self-promotion or spamming. While we encourage sharing your achievements and projects, please do so in a way that adds value to the community. Unsolicited promotion may be removed.

5- Uphold a Professional Standard is a platform for professional graphics designing services. Maintain professionalism in your interactions with fellow designers and clients. Use clear and appropriate language in all communications, including proposals, discussions, and feedback.

6- Protect Privacy

Demonstrate utmost respect for the privacy of others. Refrain from sharing personal information, such as contact details or sensitive data, unless you have obtained explicit consent. When engaging in projects, consistently uphold client confidentiality and adhere to non-disclosure agreements.

7- Offer Positive Criticism

Provide feedback and critique in a positive and constructive manner. Encourage growth and improvement without being excessively critical or negative. Stay open to receiving feedback from others to enhance your own skills.

The act of plagiarism is strictly forbidden on Writers are required to generate unique content for clients, and clients must furnish original instructions and materials. Any instance of plagiarism or copyright infringement will not be tolerated, and necessary actions will be taken, including the possible termination of accounts.

9- Respect Intellectual Property

Respect the intellectual property of others. Do not use or distribute content without proper authorization, and ensure that you have the right to share any content you contribute to the community.

10- Payment and Fair Compensation

If you are participating in any service transactions on Supreme Hall, ensure fair compensation and adhere to our payment policies. Engage in transparent and honest financial transactions to maintain the integrity of our platform.

11- No Spam or Self-Promotion

At, we value genuine interactions and meaningful discussions. Please refrain from using solely for self-promotion or spamming purposes. Instead, engage with the community in a manner that fosters meaningful connections. When promoting your services and work, do so in a respectful and non-intrusive manner. We encourage you to contribute to the community by sharing insights and experiences that add value to the discussions.

12- Reporting Violations

If you encounter any violations of these Community Guidelines or suspect any unethical behavior within the Supreme Hall community at, please report it promptly to our support team. We take violations seriously and will take appropriate action to ensure a safe and positive environment for all. Your vigilance helps us maintain the integrity of our community.

13- Consequences for Non-Compliance

Any failure to adhere to the Community Guidelines outlined above may lead to a range of consequences. These consequences may include receiving warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent expulsion from the community. The severity of the penalty will be determined based on the gravity of the violation. Your participation in the community signifies your agreement to uphold these guidelines, fostering a positive and supportive environment for all community members.

We appreciate your presence in our community!

Note: Please be aware that these guidelines are subject to change and may be updated as necessary to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all community members.

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